Lable for excellence in sustainability.

When it comes to sustainability, the event industry stands out on account of its especially high commitment. Its actors recognised early that demand for green meetings was increasing. And MCH Group has also been addressing the environmental, economic and social side effects of its business activities for many years. In their latest coup, Messe and Congress Center Basel have recently been labeled the Swisstainable Level II certificate.

It goes without saying that this is a topic that greatly affects the hospitality industry with its hotels and infrastructure providers. After all, it is the beauty of nature that constitutes the basis of their entrepreneurial success, and they also need to have functioning social and economic structures. It is therefore hardly surprising that Switzerland Tourism has launched its Swisstainable programme. All the companies that are awarded the corresponding certification are entitled to use the label of this same name. Three different certification levels are available to reflect the level of commitment.

Last year, Messe and Congress Center Basel took the decision to tackle the second level. This presupposes a commitment to resource-saving company management. And candidates are also required to hold a certificate or other proof in at least one area of sustainability already.

As part of its application, the MCH Exhibitions & Events team looked into the issue of accessibility to its premises in greater depth. Working with OK:GO, an initiative of the “Barrier-free Switzerland” association, it systematically recorded the accessibility of its rooms. Measures such as these are designed to facilitate travel for people with impaired mobility and enormously benefit their freedom and self-determination.

OK_GO Emblem_Klein

This venture has also paid off for MCH Group, which has already launched various sustainability initiatives at different locations around the world. “We’re delighted that Messe and Congress Center Basel has been able to use the Swisstainable Level II signet since the end of the year”, says Sarah Borrey, Head of Sustainability at MCH Group. “And that is something that is also made clear by the supporting campaign that we ran throughout the month of March.” All those interested will find the corresponding postings on the Messe and Congress Center Basel and Messe Zürich LinkedIn channels.